substr_count() 함수개발 관련/PHP 2011. 5. 12. 11:41
int substr_count ( string $haystack , string $needle [, int $offset= 0 [, int $length ]] )
— Count the number of substring occurrences
해당 글에(string $haystack)에 string $needle 글자가 몇번 있는지 세는 함수[
int $offset -> 몇번째 글 부터 찾을 건지
int $length -> 몇번째 글 까지 찾을 건지
$text = 'This is a test'; echo strlen($text); // 14 echo substr_count($text, 'is'); // 2 // the string is reduced to 's is a test', so it prints 1 echo substr_count($text, 'is', 3); // the text is reduced to 's i', so it prints 0 echo substr_count($text, 'is', 3, 3); // generates a warning because 5+10 > 14 echo substr_count($text, 'is', 5, 10); // prints only 1, because it doesn't count overlapped subtrings $text2 = 'gcdgcdgcd'; echo substr_count($text2, 'gcdgcd');
Warning: substr_count() [function.substr-count]: Length value 10 exceeds string length. in -------------.php on line 17
참고: http://kr.php.net/manual/kr/function.substr-count.php
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